Interesting Plot, but Writing Style and Editing Needs Major Work
This book is interesting; it introduces a lot of new ideas re: the supernatural, e.g., a vampire can be involved with the daughter of Satan. It also doesn't follow the traditional vampire loves human plot line, which is nice. The book also mixes in history, which adds a fresh flare, and introduces many new kinds of entities.
All of the above is great except for the fact that the book needs major editing. New characters and creatures have no introduction. When making up new stuff - whether supernatural beings or technology, you have to be smoother. This writing style is blunt and leaves you wondering whether you missed something, only to find out after re-reading the last 5 pages that no, you are not losing your mind - the new stuff just isn't explained. Also, what is up with the lack of commas?! Commas are needed to help people know when to pause in a sentence, and will prevent you from having to re-read the sentence 3 times to figure out what is meant.
Despite my issues with the editing, I am wondering if there is a second book. I want to know what happens with the characters.