Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The Wary Widow by Jessica Knight-Catania - 3 stars

Ok, but I'm glad it was free.

While this storyline for the most part was interesting, there is only so much martyrdom one person can take. Mrs. Hawthorn's insistence on not telling the Andrew about being pregnant is ridiculous, esp when he had already told her he loved her and they had already come to an understanding about being married. THe "he deserves someone better" theme is so overdone in these historical romances that it strains credulity, even moreso her under these circumstances. I'm of the opinion that if you can't make a plot interesting enough to sustain a regular length book, you should not become wordy by creating unbelievable character issues that certainly would not be given credence during those times. Her family would have put a stop to it immediately whether she wanted them to or not. Instead, throw two plots into one and delve into the lives of ther other characters a bit more.