Bride's Baby, by Liz Fielding, had such potential in its plot, but fell so short in the end due to a slow start, too short of a period for relationship development, poor editing and an abrupt ending. The concept was great, but I found myself re-writing the book in my head. Adding parts where the author didn't provide a segue. The book was choppy, and in several parts, I had to re-read the text just to be sure I hadn't missed something or read it incorrectly. The editing was atrocious. A simple read through or software spell checker would have caught most of the missing words or misspelled words.
The part at Longborne where the two main characters spend time together was nice - especially the scene sitting by the fire in the library - but it needs to be longer and more fleshed out if the characters are going to exchange credible "I love You"s in the end.
The discussion of the Steamtrain wedding theme was either too brief or too vague to get a visual. If you are going to go into detail about those kinds of things, make sure it is enough to give the reader a solid idea of what it looks like. Otherwise, it is superfluous material that only confuses the reader and takes up space in the book.
Overall, it could have been a great book, but I'm glad it was free.