This paranormal "romance" is: Disturbing and Like a Train Wreck, You Can't Stop Looking.
The summary provided by the bookseller:
Two is trapped: hooked on heroin and forced to sell her body to feed the addiction. Her vampire lover, Theroen, can lift her from this dark life, but his plans conflict with those of the dangerous elder Abraham, to whom he is bonded by both blood and a long-held promise. Two enters a world of darkness, violence, and despair. She must fight for freedom, both for herself and for those she loves.
My commentary: The summary of this book only hinted at what was inside.This book should come with a disclaimer - Adults Only: Pervasive language, Pervasive Violence, Drug Use and Explicit Sexual Content. It is truly dark and disturbing. Be advised there is girl on girl action, inexplicable love connections, blasphemous talk of God and a huge creepy mansion that I wouldn't step foot in. I might even have nightmares. The end was more hopeful than I expected considering what transpires in the book, and I'm glad I finished it so that I wouldn't be left with that dark and depressing feeling you get after seeing a fatal car wreck. It is like a train wreck, once you get pulled into the story, you can't put it down because you have to know what happens to the characters. I'll probably even end up reading the next book, which I hope isn't a seedy as this one began.